0:26 Scheduling and Task Management -Google Calendar -Todoist/Tick Tick 1:52 Note Taking -Some native functionality (no apps required) -Shortcuts to voice memos -Shortcuts to Apple Notes -OneNote, Evernote, Notability, Google Docs 3:46…YOUR Brain AT WORK PDFmiralisniga.cf/art/your-brain-at-work-pdf-6103.php“This is the best, the most helpful, and the brainiest book I've read on how the brain affects how, why and what we do and act.”. the Brain in Mind (Wiley & Sons, ), and Your Brain at Work, released in .. Awarded by Middlesex University in… was one of my favorite summaries on Blinkist, so I thought I’d give Steven Pressfields 2011 follow-up a go. His main theme throughout these books is Resistance, the inner force that lets you procrastinate on work, even though it’s most…
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